Мебель на заказ в Санкт-Петербурге по индивидуальным размерам доставка

Мебель на заказ - изготовление и доставка.

Изготовление мебели на заказ по индивидуальным размерам – шкафы-купе, кухни, прихожие, гардеробные, детская, офисная и другая корпусная мебель

Мебель на заказ

Мебель любой сложности по индивидуальным размерам. Мебель на заказ БЕЗ ПОСРЕДНИКОВ!

Хотите заказать Мебель на заказ по индивидуальным размерам?

  • Работаем с 2000 года и имеем немалый опыт в производстве мебели.
  • Сотрудничаем с крупными поставщиками материалов и предоставляем скидки.
  • Работаем без посредников, за приемлемую стоимость.
  • Предоставляем бесплатный выезд замерщика и дарим подарки.
  • Работаем на совесть: производим качественную, надежную, прочную и практичную мебель.

Website of nonstandard furniture in St. Petersburg

Our furniture's because we discovered that the Internet is currently the most modern and convenient way to purchase goods and services. Cozy Furniture's furniture in St. Petersburg furniture production Art-Design focuses on providing high-quality services of our company, so you can make a purchase quickly and easily. And you can help make the choice of products for the separation of the relevant categories and sections of furniture. The range of contemporary furniture is striking variability models and prices, so the product liking and budget, we will find anyone to order or buy furniture.
Our managers enter into partnership agreements with the best foreign manufacturers of accessories for furniture production. In this case, the basis of mutually beneficial contacts is the experience of many years of fruitful cooperation and analyze the opinions of real customers buyers of our furniture. Top quality accessories for furniture brands as «RaumPlus», «Ferrari», «Blum» and other supported not only by the glowing reviews of the Russian manufacturers of furniture, but also the long-term success of our furniture sales company.
Comfortable and beautiful furniture that is offered by our furniture company in St. Petersburg, is taken on the most important criteria: the quality of finishing materials and accessories, convenient mechanisms of transformation, as a practical modern design, with the important role played by the best combination of quality and price. Through the establishment of direct partnership agreements quality furniture delivered to our customers directly from the manufacturer, rather than through retail outlets of the city. And because the lack of all kinds of intermediary markups makes the price of our furniture surprisingly pleasant for your wallet.
On our site furniture custom made furniture offers a wide selection of furniture for the home at the best prices. Of the several thousand items of our production, you are sure to find their furniture. Choose, buy and order:
Cloakroom furniture - internal content for built-in closets, wardrobes and shelving, built-in corner wardrobe;
baby furniture for children's rooms, schools and kindergartens - a large selection of children's desks, wardrobes, children's walls, bunk beds and loft beds;
furniture for the living room - the walls of luxury, elegant cabinets coupe, compact, corner cupboards, desks, cabinets and chests of drawers;
beautiful bedrooms - a variety of sliding door wardrobes, beds, bedside cabinets and drawers for linen;
furniture for the hall - a corner cupboards, cabinets coupe, hallways, hallway furniture, combined with the coupe, built-in wardrobes;
kitchen furniture - built-in kitchen, corner kitchen, modern kitchens, a variety of styles and designs.
Acquired in our company's custom-made furniture - will be a great addition to your home comfort, because our furniture manufacturing outstanding quality, attractive low-cost, environmentally friendly materials, quality fittings and a variety of design ideas and styles - from classical styles to modern styles of furniture hi- tech and modern. Ordering a beautiful kitchen cabinets and wardrobes on individual project in our furniture company, the purchase you get great pleasure - it's so nice to order furniture, sitting at home in a comfortable chair with a cup of tea or coffee. Since you do not need to wander in search of furniture shopping, making his way on a constant traffic jams. For people who prefer comfort, our designers and zamerschik come directly to your home to select the project of kitchen furniture, child or cabinet compartment.
"The quality of the furniture of the European level" - that is the motto of our furniture company. Ordered your furniture on his own project or project our designers will be delivered in the most convenient day and time specified in the contract. At the same time production dropped more - in times of a small stream of orders for furniture production order can be carried out in a shorter time than those specified in the order and contract. We offer our customers such payment options order furniture: Furniture 10-100% payment if the customer is a permanent or mandatory payment of 50% of the order on the furniture when you first decided to order furniture. For residents of Moscow, Pskov, Novgorod, Tver, Murmansk, Kaliningrad, Yekaterinburg and Ufa require full payment order including delivery of furniture. Shipping to Moscow, Pskov, Novgorod, Tver, Murmansk, Kaliningrad, Yekaterinburg, Ufa is the central transport service. In this case, a flexible system of discounts on shipping and custom furniture, making the acquisition of furniture in our furniture companies are very attractive and affordable not only for the residents of St. Petersburg, but also in other regions of Russia.
For every question you concerning the order of furniture, its delivery in St. Petersburg and other Russian cities Moscow, Pskov, Novgorod, Tver, Murmansk, Kaliningrad, Yekaterinburg and Ufa, assembly or installation, you can get the answer by calling on these Online phone under "contacts." In addition, gratitude, a complaint or a claim, you can leave in the guest book of our company.

delivery of furniture >>>

  • Адрес:
    Art-Design   -  Санкт-Петербург,
    Химиков д.28

  • Телефон:
    8 (812) 987-36-42

  • Email:

  • Рабочие дни/часы:
    Пн - Пт: 10:00 - 22:00
    Сб - Вс: 11:00 - 22:00

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